Dunkin Donuts Boiling Springs, SC

Interior Buildout


Accepting Bids

Bid Date 3/7/25 12:00pm




3926 Bible Church Rd, Boiling Springs, SC 29316

Here are some clarifications from the emails from the Owner and I so far though.


  1. Are all utilities completed and ran to the building?

Currently we are waiting on steel . I am told we should have steel going up this week . 

As for electric and gas they will be run in as soon as they can .  

  1. Is the Owner providing all kitchen equipment, furniture, music system, & water filtration system?

Bluemont will be suppling all furniture , equipment , water filter system. All technology equipment will be installed by Bluemont contractors.

  1. Describe the status of the building. I believe you said the slab is poured, and shell of the building is installed (including roof curbs). Please confirm.

We currently have a 4 ft ribbon slab poured . Slab is still open for plumbing to be installed. No vertical building as of yet. 

  1. Are there any rough ins for MEPs completed? If not, will there be any saw cuts for us to install rough in MEPs?

No , they will all be part of your scope of work. We might need to do some saw cut work for floor sinks . I have asked the developer to take care of the cuts needed. 

  1. Will there be any exterior work that we need to price? Concrete, asphalt, storefront door, EIFS, masonry, landscaping, and etc..?


  1. The plans say there are existing electrical panels, plumbing, and HVAC that we are adding on to. Please confirm all MEPs will be a new build with nothing currently in place.

This is a all new build , no existing MEP,s. I think I mentioned we have a full set of 3 Panels if we need them. 

  1. Do we need to price everything within the building as new construction? Such as: Framing, GYP, ACT, flooring, and etc..


  1. Will we get updated drawings to reflect the scope we are pricing? 

I sent the plans back to the architect to make some changes . They should be back Next week, week of the 27th  . 

I will get you a set as soon as I have them .