East Roswell Park

Capital Improvements & Renovation


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 10/7/24 5:00pm




Roswell, GA

Any questions please email APM@pestructuresandassociates.com

The Project consists of the construction of five task areas as noted below. Work

includes, but is not limited to:

1. Playground and Shelter Area 1:

a. ADA modifications to the existing parking lot.

b. Demolition and removal of segmental wall and an existing switchback

sidewalk along the hillside between the existing pavilion and playground.

c. New construction of a ADA ramps to provide access from the parking lot to the

existing pavilion.

d. Minor drainage improvements for runoff at the existing pavilion.

e. Landscape improvements.

2. Multi-purpose Fields:

a. New construction of an ADA parking lot located off AC Lavender Dr.

b. New construction of ADA curb ramp, ADA access/seating areas at each field


c. Landscape improvements.

3. Playground and Shelter Area 2:

a. ADA modifications to the existing parking lot.

b. Removal of existing playground structures, wood fence, and grills.

c. New construction of improved ADA access (concrete sidewalks and poured-in-place rubber walkway), ADA-compliant playground equipment, grill station,

and fencing.

d. Minor drainage improvement for runoff at the existing pavilion.

e. Landscape improvements.

4. Multi-use Trail:

a. New construction of an asphalt multi-use trail and associated segmental

retaining wall.

b. New concrete apron at community garden entrance along Fouts Dr.

c. Drainage improvements.

d. Landscape improvements.

5. Dog Park and Arts Center:

a. Demolition and removal of existing dog park and Arts Center parking lot.

b. New dog park construction, stormwater pond, asphalt parking lots, and

entrance road.

c. Landscape improvements.